Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Five

Today I contemplated my day, what I have to do every day just to get things done and what I needed to add to that list. My normal day doesn’t have a list, it is things that are automatic and need to be done daily. But when there are extra things on that list that need to be done, then I have to write it down or else it will never get done. It will just be filed away until I remember it again.

So every morning when I get up, I have to get the kids and husband up. Now if I had kids that got up when their alarms went off or even when I told them to get up the first time, which would be great. But it takes probably about 15 minutes before they can really get out of their comfortable beds and make their way to the kitchen to eat. Then I start making their breakfasts, plus lunches, then hurry them to get dressed, brush their teeth and comb their hair and finally take them to school. My husband takes one and I take the other, which means I come home first and start making breakfast for us and making him lunch. That’s our little alone time just to sit and be with each other. Then it is wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. Move on to the bedroom, fix our bed if it wasn’t done already, and get dressed for the day, brush teeth and comb hair. Oh, then I remember to put the clothes away that were brought upstairs from being folded the night before and feed the chickens. Feeding the chickens takes a little time because I enjoy watching them, they are so fascinating. Okay, back into the house to figure out what is for dinner, and then start working on my husband’s business. And I can’t forget washing a load of laundry or two while I am down there.

Lunchtime brings another set of things that need to be done. After lunch is when I really start thinking about dinner, because if I don’t have ingredients, then I either have to run to the store to pick up the ingredients or decide what else to make. And when I have no money to go to the store then I get really creative with what is in the house. To bad I am not a gourmet chef who can whip things up with what I have in the pantry. Back to downstairs because not much time left before I have to go pick up the kids from school. Once they are back from school I have to help my daughter with her homework, so that takes time, plus I am making dinner at the same time.

Dinner comes and goes, dishes are washed and showers are taken. Then it is time to relax, but no because there are clothes to fold while in front of the TV. When the clothes are finally folded and the kids are put to sleep after reading with them, making my daughter pick out her clothes for school the next day, then I finally get to relax. So in a stupor I sit in front of the TV when I promptly fall asleep because I am too tired to move.
And somewhere in that normal day I have to remember to go to the grocery store, bank, post office, plus any other extra places I need to go. I also have to remember to pay the bills and what ever extra stuff I need to do for my husband. Now if I worked an outside job I don’t know how I would do it and because of that I give working mothers so much credit. Maybe they are just more organized than me.

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