Monday, February 7, 2011

Dutch Apple Wedges

What was supposed to start out as a sunny Sunday ended up as a rainy “Where did it come from?” day. I was really hoping for a sunny day, this way I would be able to work outside. But alas (who uses that word anymore?) it wasn’t meant to be. I did end up making a dessert called Cutch Apple Wedges and it comes from Betty Crocker Recipe magazine, Simple Winter Meals (Jan. 2003 issue #192). I don’t purchase everyone of those magazines, but I always look through them at the check-out line in the grocery store and if the cover picture looks like something I would make or I find a recipe while I am looking through it and if I have enough money, then yes I will buy it.

But this past year I haven’t had money so I am going through all my old cookbook magazines looking at the recipes again to see which ones I want to try. If there is nothing in the magazine, then I will give the book away to someone else. It doesn’t make sense to keep magazines or cookbooks if I’m not going to use anything in them. But on the other hand, I am keeping all my cookbooks; it is the magazines that will have to go.

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