Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24, 2011

Today is Easter Sunday and millions of people are gathering across the country and eating their Easter lunches. There are also millions of people who are going out to eat lunch instead of being stuck at home making food for everyone. I think that more people tend to go out to lunch for Easter Sunday than on any other holiday. Of course I could be wrong, but the grocery stores were all open and restaurants were open, ready for the influx of people. I planned on staying home, in fact I had a tri-tip all thawed out and seasoned ready to be bar-be-queed. However my husband had other ideas. He planned on going to Costco to do a little shopping. Costco had other plans, they were closed. So he had to nix those plans. We always take a drive, always near lunch time or after lunch time and inevitably we are always starving. So we have to drive around looking for someplace to eat (actually we don't, but I think that it is his way of letting me not cook once in a while). Then comes the question - "Where do you want to go for lunch?" At this point when he asks, we are so hungry that we can't think straight and we (meaning me and the kids) could go anywhere. Our son chooses to go home and eat, my daughter chooses to go to her grandmothers' and make her cook for us. Me - I don't care, just give me food before I fall over. This is how my husband is different than us. He can go all day without eating and the rest of us need to eat every hour. And how come you might say haven't I figured this out and bring food with us? Well most of the time I honestly think that it will be only 1 hour that we will be out, so I am still learning.

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

Today is tax day. It is amazing how this day strikes fear in so many people. They have to pay their taxes or they can get thrown in jail. At least that is what it feels like. Taxes have been around since Biblical times, when Jesus threw the tax collectors out of the temple. And if people don't pay them, they do get thrown in jail.

Now it is one thing if people have the money and refuse to pay. But what if people don't have the money, what are they supposed to do? They can't just manufacture money out of thin air (even though that has been known to happen). In fact these people need the money they have just to survive. What is more important, eating, having a roof over your head, and utilities or not eating, losing what shelter you have and nothing to keep you warm? Is the government that heartless? I've heard people say yes they are that heartless.

I have a feeling that a lot of people who owe taxes aren't able to pay them right now due to the economy. And I am sure that a lot of them are good hard-working honest people. How will the government take care of them?

Does government need to be reformed? Yes. Do I know how to reform the government? No. Do people need to learn how to budget their money? Yes, but when there are to many bills and not enough money what gets paid first? We all know to pay the basics first - Housing, food, utilities (that should not include a $200/month cable - that is not a necessity). Then you pay the loan on the vehicle, plus the insurance, vehicle and house or renter's. Don't forget to put a little aside for the license fee. What about health insurance? If you are employed then your employer pays for you (sometimes), but what about your family, if you want them covered, it is taken out of your paycheck and it is not cheap. But if you are self-employed it is not cheap at all, in fact it is downright expensive and if you have a pre-existing condition, forget it. So if you have no health insurance you are paying every time you and your children go to the doctor. Kids get sick a lot.

So, your monthly payments are: Housing, food, utilities, vehicle loan, license fee, house/renter's and vehicle insurance, health insurance, and doctor's and dental bills, property taxes (if applicable) and maybe a little left over for clothes because you know your kids grow like weeds. So if you are on a tight budget, the taxes get put on hold because you just can't do it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Healthified Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today I made these chocolate chip cookies with wheat flour, instead of regular white bleached flour and let me tell you they are delicious. My kids liked them and that is saying a lot because they love chocolate chip cookies, but if I said that they were healthy for you, I don't think they would have touched them. So I found these on the Betty Crocker website ( and I thought they sounded good. They definitely are.

I have always enjoyed all of Betty Crocker recipes. I use one of the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbooks from 1950 and my newest one is from 1986. They both are dog-earred, splattered and tearing from the binding, but I love them both.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Big Experiment Part II

Well, a month has gone by since I have taken away the WII, DS and computer at home. I think it worked. He did more reading, he played outside more (exercise)and he didn't keep telling me "Okay, I know" or "In a minute" everytime I asked him to do something. I mean there was still attitude (what should I expect from a 7th grader trying to understand school with everyone having attitude at school)but not as much. In fact, it was interesting because I went to parent-teacher conferences to see how he was doing and they all stated that he has been doing better. He still is not where I would like to see him acedemically. In fact the teachers all said that he could get A's. I know he could also, but he is the sort of person who doesn't have to study to get a good grade or at least a passing grade, and that is what he does. He doesn't study. I don't know how many more times I need to keep saying "study, study, study" for it to sink it, maybe I will always have to say it.

So the month was up and I let him use the gaming systems again, but after talking with his teachers, I decided to take them away and let him use them only on weekends. I feel that this is a compromise and we will see.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Time Wind Chimes

I just found these wind chimes on and they are adorable. They will make an excellant gift for someone.

I just by chance happen to be looking for something small and quaint to give to a friend and found these (Item #320681441160). They are selling for $6.50 with free shipping, how much better can that be. Wind chimes can be a very soothing sound to listen to when the wind is gently wafting through the trees.